10 September 2024: Constituent Assembly of the Swiss Gender Health Network

Official launching of the SGHN
Do not miss the opportunity to contribute to this new association!

After 4 years of informal activity, it has been decided to formalise the Swiss Gender Health Network.

The Constituent Assembly will be held on September 10, 2024, after the Forum of the S&G integration project at the University of Lucerne. 

On this occasion, the Statutes of the association will be voted on and the representatives elected. 

Place: University of Lucerne, Hall 10, Frohburgstrasse 3, 6002 Luzern 

Schedule: 5.15 pm to 6.30 pm

Remote connectionhttps://unilu.zoom.us/j/6012793127?pwd=bmdkUXloOEFoSEw2TXRXajZnNnRuZz09&omn=63883679240  

Meeting-ID: 601 279 3127  Kenncode: 491654

Context of the SGHN

The Swiss Gender Health Network (SGHN) was revitalised in 2019. Since then, it has been working on an informal basis and was mostly dedicated to supporting sex and gender mainstreaming. 

Thanks to the SGHN, we were able to join forces and to get support from swissuniversities on the project “Sex and Gender integration in the Swiss Medical Curriculum” (P-7 call 2021-2024: Diversity, inclusion and equal opportunities in university development). 

To date, the SGHN includes more than 160 members interested in sex and gender issues, coming from all parts of Switzerland. Members have various professional backgrounds but all share an interest in sex and gender issues in healthcare.

It is time for formalisation to support the development of new orientations, by providing a committee and a strong structure. It will also help gaining visibility, financial support and promote the integration of sex and gender in health.

At the Constituent Assembly, you will vote on the Articles of the Association and elect the members (Committee, Auditors). 

Do you want to stand for election?

Agenda of the Constituent Assembly: here

Statutes of the SGHN Association: here


If you want to be added to the members list or have any questions, please contact: virginie.schlueter@unisante.ch

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